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With Corn Day in the Rearview, Carmi Kiwanis Passes Torch for Coming Year

With the passing of Corn Day comes a change in leadership at Carmi Kiwanis.  The club is governed by a body made up of a board of directors and a yearly rotation of officers.  The club officially installed fresh brass Thursday afternoon.  Dr. Frank Barbre presides over the club’s annual installation and had this to say about now Past President Emily Williams tenure.

“What can you say about the leadership of Emily Williams this year?  I mean, it’s really been outstanding.”

Incoming president Kelly Northcott receives the Carmi Kiwanis Charter from outgoing president Emily Williams

Reflecting on her presidency, Williams added…

“I want to say thank you.  It has been…this is  a ‘dad’ism’…it’s been real and it’s been fun, but it ain’t been real fun.  That’s how he always puts it.  There’s been things I’ve been blessed to be able to do for this club and with these club members and there have been things that have been stressful.  I’ve panicked and made phone calls and ya know, I wouldn’t trade it, but I will trade it to you Kelly.”

Williams watched her father Ron Immel get formally inducted into the club as well to kick off the program.  Immel has been an unofficial Kiwanis member for years however as he’s helped with many projects, and last year basically anything his daughter asked of him.  The club also welcomed it’s new President in Kelly Northcott.

“I know that I have a great support system.  My predecessors are all still here to help guide me along the way.

Northcott and Williams with the Past Presidents plaque

The board, they work so hard and I saw all the work they did this last year to help Emily.  I know they’ll be there for me too because this is all a big family and we just want to continue to help serve the children of the world.  So I’m just looking forward to this year.  I know Luke [Sailer] is probably going to get annoyed with me because he’s not going to be able to get me who I want for Corn Day.

(Northcott has made no bones about who she wants as headline Corn Day entertainment…a very unlikely appearance from none other than Snoop Dogg)

But I just look forward to serving you all this year and thank you like I said for teaching me over the past several years what it means to be a Kiwanian.  I appreciate that.”

Northcott is joined by fellow officers:

Emily Williams (Past President)

Meagan Drone (Second Vice President)

Luke Sailer (First Vice President)

Amanda Nelson (President Elect)

The board will be made up of Amy McCarty, Eric Rahlfs, Jeremy Jordan, Justin Dartt, Katelyne Wolff, and Larissa Hays.


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