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Wilson Talks AirMedCare at Kiwanis Thursday

If you or a loved one suffer a medical emergency that requires an ambulatory helicopter flight, the cost can be anywhere from $50,000 to $200,000 depending on factors.  If you’re a member of the Air Med Care Network (and one of their helicopters flies you), your $79 or $99 per year membership will cover it.  Sam Wilson, a Membership Sales Manager, knows firsthand how important air transport is when seconds count.

My brother was flown a long time ago.  He was in a serious accident at his job.  His friend picked him up, put him in the car, and drove him to the hospital.  The company he worked for didn’t have Air Evac and he didn’t have it.  But whenever he got to the hospital, he was air evacuated to Evansville after 4-5 hours.  If he would’ve been air evacuated from the scene, he would’ve went straight to Evansville which may have saved his life.  After that, the company he worked for bought memberships for everybody that works there and they buy them every year at Christmas.  The price is so cheap versus what it costs to be flown that it was a no brainer for them.  That’s why I got into this.  Because my brother was flown and I saw how well they took care of him, everything they did for him, and it made me want to be involved in that organization.

Wilson told Kiwanis Thursday the company started much like a volunteer fire department in how it was funded and still maintains that membership funding.  It’s now the nation’s largest air medical membership network with more than 320 locations in 38 states.  Wilson says membership covers anyone in your household.

You can learn more about Air Med Care at the WRU-WELLness Expo on Friday, May 3rd and on their website at


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