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Wheeler Named New Enfield Police Chief

The Enfield Village Board met for its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

At the close to a two hour meeting, Mark Wheeler was approved by the board to be Police Chief and Nathan Poore was approved to be a patrolman.  After a 25 minute Executive Session held at the end of the regular meeting, the board voted to give Wheeler a 32 hour work week, with Poore getting a 15 hour week.

Concerning the Booth School, there is a trust that includes the ball park and several acres of land around it.  It they are unable to keep students at the school, then they would likely be taken to court by the heirs and lose the trust, then the ball park and the land would go back to the heirs.  During about a half an hour discussion, some board members and several visitors in the chamber were unhappy with how the situation is being handled and believe that even though the NCOE School Board said there hasn’t been a decision on whether to close Booth School, they believed that closing it has already been decided.

A resolution was approved to proceed with Phase III of the Water Project, which includes installing a check valve for the water tower.

An engineer with Ameren will work with the village on street lighting for the Mule Day building.

Work on the dog pen is still being done.

There have been no bids received yet on the property at 600 West Main Street.

The public was again reminded that there will be a Hazard Mitigation Meeting on Monday, July 17th at 6 PM at the Floral Hall of the White County Fairgrounds in Carmi.  Board member and White County EMA Director Jim Bolin stressed that various representatives of the county, township, municipal, school, and other representatives attend the meeting so they can come up with the best plan possible in case of a natural disaster.

The engine locked up on the Ford F250, so they will look at prices to try and purchase another truck.

The board adjourned at 8:53 PM.



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