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Weekend CoViD Case Update for IL, KY, IN

The State of Illinois reported more than 2,000 new CoViD-19 cases Sunday.  Health officials announced the new cases along with 24 more deaths.  The Illinois Department of Public Health says there are more than 2,000 people in the hospital for coronavirus related illnesses, including 247 ventilators in use.  More than 1.3 million Illinoisans, just over 10% of the entire population have tested positive for the virus and more than 21,000 have died.

Locally, 7 total new cases were reported Friday afternoon through yesterday by the Egyptian Health Department, only 2 in White County.  Saline County accounted for the other 5.  White County has had a total of 1,770 lab confirmed positive cases of CoViD-19.  Gallatin County has had just 500 total cases.  Saline County has had just under 2,700 positive cases.  23 White Countians are currently in the recovery phase for coronavirus according to the most recent data.  43 have had to be hospitalized to date.

Indiana meanwhile reported 827 cases yesterday, along with 1,103 new cases Saturday.  Kentucky reported just 325 cases Sunday.  Governor Andy Beshear says nearly 440,000 Kentuckians have tested positive for coronavirus with more than 6,400 deaths.


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