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Wayne County Farm Bureau Members Gathered for the Organization’s 98th Annual Meeting

Wayne County Farm Bureau President David White welcomes 200 members and guests to the 98th Annual Meeting of the organization.

David White, President of the Wayne County Farm Bureau, welcomed 200 members and guests to the 98th Annual Meeting. Tim Chambliss gave the Invocation before members ate dinner, catered by Matt Kinney’s Bare Bones BBQ.

200 members and guests celebrate 98 years of the Wayne County Farm Bureau at the organization’s annual meeting held March 5 at the First Christian Church in Fairfield.

Following dinner, the business meeting was called to order. Secretary-Treasurer Mark Bunnage read the notice of meeting, declared a quorum was present, and that business could be conducted.


Illinois FFA Vice President Lane Harvey led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members approved the minutes from last year’s annual meeting and the financial report. Members also granted permission for the board to select the delegates to the 2020 IAA Annual Meeting this December.

Manager Doug Anderson presented the membership report and updated members on important projects the organization undertook this past year.

At their annual meeting March 5, the Wayne County Farm Bureau announced their support of the Fairfield Memorial Hospital Building For Our Future Campaign with a gift of $15,000 to the FMH Foundation. The first $5,000 of the donation will be matched by Fairfield National Bank (FNB) as part of their Community Proud Campaign. Pictured left to right are: Nic Allison, FNB; David White, Wayne CFB President; Mariah Case, FMH Foundation Executive Director; and Reece Copeland, FNB.

President David White announced a $15,000 donation to the Fairfield Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Building For Our Future Campaign. The campaign is raising funds to provide equipment for the new expansion at the hospital. It was also announced that Fairfield National Bank is matching the first $5,000 of the donation.

Other reports included an Ag in the Classroom update from Ryan Scott; a Young Leader Report from Nic Allison; a report on Illinois Farm Bureau from District 17 Director Larry Miller, an update on COUNTRY Financial from Jim Hughes, and a report on Wabash Valley Service Company from Allen Rusk. Rusk presented Ryan Scott with a $500 donation to the Ag in the Classroom Program.

The winner of the Ag in the Classroom Trivia was Colton Bass.

Noel Vaughan (center) was recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award during the 98th Annual Meeting of the Wayne County Fam Bureau. Also pictured are Jim Hughes, Agency Manager and David White, Wayne County Farm Bureau President.

Noel Vaughan was recognized with a Lifetime Service Award for his work as a Country Financial Representative for 51 years.

Brenda Rush of Fairfield was the winner of the Young Leader Committee raffle for the Green Mountain Daniel Boone grill, sponsored by Wayne White Propane & Sporting Goods.

Members approved the acts and deeds of the Board of Directors for the previous year.

Members re-elected five directors for another two-year term. Those reelected include Robert Pearce, Fred Blessing, Tim Chambliss, Anthony Vaughan, and Randy Ellis.

Mark Gebhards, Illinois Farm Bureau Executive Director of Governmental Affairs & Commodities, presented the keynote address. He touched on the organization’s legislative priorities at the state and national level, provided updates on urgent legislative topics, as well as reiterated the importance of communicating with our legislators on those issues.

  1. Following the meeting, the Board of Directors held a special meeting to elect their officers for the coming year. David White was elected President, Robert Pearce was elected as Vice-President, Mark Bunnage was elected as Secretary-Treasurer, and Randy Ellis was elected as Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.

For additional photos from the 98th Annual Meeting, visit the Wayne County Farm Bureau Facebook page.



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