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Township Cemetery Trustee Meeting Was Held Today

Story courtesy of Mack Knight

The Township Cemetery Trustee meeting held on October 14th, covered an array of topics pertaining not only to the upkeep of the numerous cemeteries the township oversees, but also the future of White County cemeteries as a whole.

In 2020, property tax was received late. Their $41,989.51 received in May was actually supposed to be received in the last fiscal year. Despite the delay, township supervisor Pamela Deig is hopeful that it will readjust this year.

The state of Illinois recently announced that they will be auditing cemeteries this year. While the township is in charge of many, the state will start with Kingdom and West Union, and go from there.

Cemetery mapping is an essential tool for those who manage them, as well as visitors—especially for those who are seeking out specific graved. However, while mapping is not a new concept, the Township Cemetery Trustee board has introduced the idea of moving their mapping virtual. While no decisions were made at the meeting, members will vote in the near future on this costly upgrade.

All in all, board member David Whetstone would like to remind everyone that tree trimming, mowing, and road clean up will continue through the fall. Whetstone has also received complaints of a mole issue and is actively working towards a solution. The Township Cemetery Trustee board meeting is dismissed until their next meeting tentatively set for March 28th, 2022 at 6 p.m.


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