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SRO, Tax Levy, and More for Village of Norris City Board

The Norris City Village Board met for the final time in 2024, running just under half an hour.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

The cost of the two School Resource Officers for the NCOE schools is $44,900.

The Hydrovac, costing $119,000, is in.

An ordinance to close the alley in the Spence Addition is being drawn up.  There are no utilities or anything of use there.

In TIF business, Kelly Johnson of Johnson LLC has purchased two more buildings to fix up using TIF money.  Also, the village is seeking a TIF attorney for the La-D-Da Boutique situation.

There was a public hearing for Phase V of the water project.  The board approved an ordinance authorizing a loan agreement.

The Tax Levy in the amount of $4,689,000 was approved.   It must be in to the county by December 15th.

There is a backlog of utility bills to the village dating as far back as 2012 and totaling $15,169.07.  The board authorized Mayor Skip Land to come up with a collection process.

The board approved the purchase of two new towers for the office computers at a cost of approximately $1,500 each.

The village Audit conducted by Botsch & Associates has been completed.

Netting for the backstop at the ball field is in.

The village was turned down for grant money for lights.

The board went into Closed Session at 7:26 PM to discuss salary schedules.

The next board meeting will be on January 6th at 7 PM.


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