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Rotary Takes a Stroll Into the Past


At Thursday’s meeting of the Carmi Rotary club, Tom Logan made a presentation about things that happened in and around Carmi in 1973.

It was an important year in the Logan household, since that is the year that Sherri Logan graduated high school.

Among the happenings of 1973: A monster siting was reported in Enfield. A creature that had three legs and two arms was spotted in a farm outside town, and the mysterious being was able to jump incredible distances and run in a way that no human could possibly do. Despite a massive search, the creature was never found.

It was announced in 1973 that the Carmi Hospital would be celebrating their 20th anniversary. Alongside the hospital, the new Skill Care Nursing home opened for business in 1973. A new airport and a new jail were under construction during that year.

A White County judge said “no” to the request for “Bull Island II.” In 1973 residents had high hopes for the upcoming Interstate 64 that was being built. Rotarian Henry Lewis was named the Carmi Citizen of the Year.

And in sport’s news, Ridgeway won the Class A High School Basketball state championship.

In club business, the members spent a little time discussing the upcoming Fall Trivia contest. This year’s event will be a little earlier than usual due to a scheduling conflict. The Fall event will be held on Saturday, October 28th at the American Legion on Oak Street in Carmi. The first question will be asked at 6:00pm and the night should wrap up around 8:00pm. As in year’s past, the cost for a four-person team is only forty dollars, and can be paid the night of the contest. There will be four rounds of ten questions each, with the questions getting harder and the point totals increasing in each round. The questions will cover such topics as: History, pop culture, the Bible, food, language, geography and a few more thrown in for good measure. There is even going to be a surprise category this year! There will be plenty of food and drinks on hand, provided by the Rotary club. The club has a goal of finally hitting the sixteen team mark this year. Twice in the past there have been fourteen teams on hand, so it is not a big stretch to reach the goal. If you’ve played in the past, by all means plan on being on-hand this year. If you’ve never played, you are missing out on a great night of fun and a chance to win some cash. The first place team will have $100, second place nets $60, and third place gets their entry fee back with $40. Teams can be made up of any group of four people: Families, coworkers, neighbors, friends, church members, politicians, you name it, you can form a team out of it. Help the Carmi Rotary club hit that sixteen-team goal – and more!

The next Rotary fundraiser will be close on the heels of the trivia contest, as the club will be selling quarts of chili on November 11th . It will be a drive-through affair, in the parking lot of Oak Street Chiropractic. More details will be out shortly about this event.

In club business, visitor Greg Peters won the 50/50 drawing but was unable to claim the cash pot. Joyce Preston was named as the day’s phantom, The Carmi Rotary club normally meets every Thursday at noon at the First United Methodist Church on Main Street in Carmi. Anyone wishing to learn more about this civic organization is welcome to attend a meeting or speak with any Carmi Rotarian.


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