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Over Two Hour Meeting for Enfield Village

The Enfield Village Board met in a rather lengthy session Tuesday night for about two and a half hours.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

The meeting opened with the swearing in of Steve Griffin as village trustee to replace the outgoing Jim Fechtig.

The board approved the Police Service contract with Mill Shoals and Springerton.  As agreed to, it’s a three month contract for August, September and October.  Their cost is $75 an hour with a three hour per week minimum.

There was much discussion about whether four-wheelers are allowed to be driven on village streets.  The ordinance does not include them, so the board decided to have an Executive Session to discuss this and other matters towards the end of the regular meeting.

There will be a meeting on Thursday concerning installing water meters as part of the Water Project.

The deed to the Tran property will be filed soon.

Work is continuing on street lighting.

Kyle Hosick, Deborah Campbell and Lacey Bradshaw were again at the meeting to mention that there will be an Open House at the Insurance building on July 19th from 11 AM to 1 PM with lunch being served.  There will then be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 1 PM.

In the Police report for June, there were 32 calls received and one accident report.  The board approved purchasing a cell phone for Chief Mark Wheeler, as he had been using his own phone for police business.

In the Animal Control report, there were 24 welfare checks.

In the Utilities report, new employee Andrew Inboden’s 90 day critique is coming up soon.  So far he’s been doing a good job.

The Fourth of July fireworks was a big success.  A bucket was passed around for next year’s show and they collected $510.

The board went into closed session for one hour and afterwards approved amending the ordinance to allow ATV’s to drive on streets as long they are 16 years of age or older with a valid driver’s license and have liability insurance.

The board adjourned at 9:22 PM.


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