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Norris City Village Board Met Tuesday Night

The Norris City Village Board held its regular monthly meeting last night.

The board accepted a TIF fund request from the Lion’s Club in the amount of $25,000 for their roof repair project.  They had also asked for some money for kitchen repairs, but the board decided to wait until the roof is fixed to make a decision.  A TIF agreement will be drawn up with the village attorney on Thursday.

They passed a resolution concerning a water rate revision.  Due to a typing error, the water rate increase for country residents should have read 10.12 cents per 2,000 gallons, not 1,000 gallons.

There will be a private outdoor gathering at the Dale Park by Shorty’s BBQ on Saturday, September 26th.  They will serve carnival food with live music.  It was stressed that this event is not authorized by the village of Norris City.

The board agreed to wait until next year on using MFT funds for sidewalk repair.

The village will look into getting monies from a CIPS program for new lights at the park.

Mayor Roy Kissel said the village will get a refund from on some of the monies they receive from their gas agreement with PEFA, Inc.

Notices have been sent out to residents concerning abandoned vehicles, weeds, trash, etc.  Most have already complied or are in the process of doing so, but there are a few that haven’t done any of their work yet and they will be pressed on complying.

The village will attempt to get more information on building a ramp to the Senior Citizens Center, with the cost shared by the Township.

In the police report for August, there were seven reports written, no arrests made, six citations issued, with five 9-1-1 calls.  New officer Ethan Jones will graduate from the Academy in four weeks.   Thanks went out to Chad Mitsdarffer at Country Financial for donating $1,500 to the Police Department for new equipment.

A 20 minute executive session was held, with the village entering into a cash rent agreement with Talley Farms.

The next meeting of the Norris City Village Board will be Monday, October 5th at 7 PM at the village hall.


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