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Norris City Village Board Met Monday Night

The Norris City Village Board met in its regular monthly session last night in what was the shortest meeting that many of the board members could recall in some time, 19 minutes.

Board members Sue James and Skip Land attended the meeting via telephone and Judy Daubs was absent.

Mayor Roy Kissell noted the recent passing of Alfred “Bud” Henderix, who had worked for the village for 70 years.

Mayor Kissell said they have qualified for $52,598 in funds from the D.C.E.O. CURE, or Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency, Support Program.  It’s federally funded from the Coronavirus Relief Fund using dollars allocated through the CARES act.  It’ll reimburse the village for costs that are necessary expenditures incurred to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19.

The opening of bids for Phase III of the Water Main Replacement will take place on Wednesday, February 10th at 10 AM at the City Hall.  The public is invited.  Due to many of the board members being unable to attend, they gave Mayor Kissell permission to accept the winning bid on their behalf.

The board approved the purchase of a new desktop computer for the warehouse to be used for gas training.

Village board members Joe Skaggs and Skip Land agreed to be on the Sesquicentennial Committee as Norris City celebrates its 150th anniversary.

One of the workers replacing the water line recently suffered a torn meniscus on the job and is on workman’s compensation.  He will have surgery shortly.

The board members were shown the two pages the village purchased for the White County CEO Program book that’s coming out soon.  The first page is a brief history of Norris City and the second page is a list of the village board members and front office personnel.

In the police report for January, there were four reports written, no arrests made and two citations issued, as well as 14 9-1-1 calls.  Police also initiated a traffic stop on a suspicious vehicle on January 24th that turned out to be a man who was involved in the theft of motor vehicle parts in Evansville.  Police surmised he was planning to commit the same crime here.  There was no probable cause to arrest him, but he was issued two traffic citations.

In the animal control report, one dog was captured and claimed by the owner.

The next village board meeting will be held on Monday, March 1st at 7 PM at the Lions Club Building.


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