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Norris City Village Board Members Threatened Prior to Meeting Monday Night

The Norris City Village Board meeting was held last (Monday) night, instead of its regular night on the first Monday of the month.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

There were threats made to board members by an unidentified person, so two Norris City Police Officers were on scene during the meeting to make sure there were no disruptions.  Fortunately, there were no incidents.

Mayor Skip Land noted that if COVID cases continue to rise, the board might go back to its mask wearing policy at the September board meeting.

During visitor’s comments, Kim Garlick addressed the board about having a police officer go on day patrol in the mornings, middays and after school to watch out for children during school days, and there have also been several instances of semis making noise during all hours of the day as well as some near accidents.  Mayor Land said it’s a good idea and there will be some rescheduling taking place.  He also said Cody Jones will be graduating from the Police Academy this coming Friday, and after some training he’ll go on duty in a couple of months based out of NCOE High School.  The village is still looking for a part-time officer.

Due to traffic problems, Stop signs will be put up at Conger and Orchard Streets, Third and Forest and Fifth and Forest Streets, and West Cherry and Carroll Streets.

An ordinance was approved to sell excess property.  The village will advertise for sealed bids for the three properties mentioned at last month’s board meeting.

After much discussion, it was decided that if the owner of La De Dah Boutique were to sell the business, the village would allow the sale if the current owner agreed to pay back $6,800 of the $17,000 they received in TIF money, and then would be relieved of all responsibility.

A resolution was passed concerning road closures for the Dairy Days Celebration, they agreed to expand the Parade lineup east one block, and approved the annual $1,000 donation to Dairy Days.

The water wells are completely up and running.  Total cost of repairs was $67,342 and insurance will hopefully cover it all.

Alicia Allen was approved as a full time employee, with health benefits.

Some trees were blown down due to storm damage.  Insurance with a $500 deductable paid $1,000 of the $1,500 bill.

Twelve new cameras were ordered from NOVACOM for the Beatty and Huelett Ball fields.

In the Police Report for July, there were two arrests, four citations issued and four 9-1-1 calls.  White County 911 equipped the police department fleet with new mobile and portable radios.

In the Animal Control Report, there were four raccoons captured.

The board adjourned at 8:16 PM.

The next meeting of the village board will be Tuesday, September 6th at 7 PM, due to the Labor Day Holiday.


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