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Norris City Village Board Meeting report

The situation concerning the trailer on West Fourth Street has finally been resolved. The court ordered the owner to pay $4,950 restitution. The title was turned over the Village and they have arranged to have it removed either Tuesday or Wednesday at a cost of $3,000. The Village will be able to recover its attorney fees.

The board approved an ordinance closing off portion of the alley from Cherry Street to Boyd Street, since it is not being used.

There was a property owner from Tennessee that had a water leak for the past several months. No one noticed that the water meter wasn’t working, so no one knew about the leak. The bill came to about $12,000. Mayor Roy Kissell asked the board members what the Village should do and they decided that since it was the Village’s fault, the owner shouldn’t have to pay.

Also, some residents are causing damage to water meter lids, sensors and meter wells. They are responsible for damages and will have to pay to have them replaced.

Residents are asked to clean out culverts and gutters to be prepared for next year’s spring flooding.

Mayor Kissell noted that the Village’s electric rates are lower than Ameren CIPS.

The Board is considering a proposal from Clear Wave for Village office internet and phone service for $374 a month for a three year contract. There will be more on the matter at next month’s Board meeting.

They agreed to send a letter to the state legislature in Springfield requesting release of motor fuel tax, video gaming, use tax and 9-1-1 service fee funds. Other communities have been doing the same thing due to the lack of a state budget.

A donation of $100 will be made to the NCOE high school basketball team to sponsor the Village’s name on the back of the player’s t-shirts.

Also approved was a $50 donation to a weight loss contest several towns are participating in.

In the police report for October, there was a combined effort with white county sheriff’s deputies to make three arrests and recover two stolen vehicles, three pickup truck loads of stolen property, drugs and paraphernalia originating in DeWitt County but recovered in Norris City. Also, new officer David Doerner will be graduating the police academy this Friday at SIC.

The board will consider pay raises at next month’s meeting.

Board member Judy Daubs will be mayor pro tem from November 4th to the 11th while mayor Kissell is out of town.

The next board meeting is Monday, December 7th at 7 p.m.


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