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Miss Merry Christmas Pageant Announced

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As part of It’s a White County Christmas the annual Miss Merry Christmas Pageant will be held on November 7, 2015 at the Carmi White County High School Auditorium.  Baby Miss Merry Christmas contestants, ages 0-23 months, will take the stage at 1:00 p.m.  The Tiny Miss Merry Christmas contestants, ages 2-5 (and not yet in kindergarten), will compete following the baby contestants.

At 6:30 p.m. Little Miss Merry Christmas contestants, students in kindergarten – third grade, will compete on stage.  The Junior Miss Merry Christmas contestants, students in grades 4-7, will compete following the Little Miss contestants.  The final contest of the evening will be the Miss Merry Christmas contestants for students in grade 8-12.

Those wishing to compete in the Miss Merry Christmas pageant must live in or attend school in White County.  A completed pageant application and release form must be turned in by October 21.  In addition, a mandatory informational meeting will be held on October 21 at the Carmi High School Auditorium at 4:00 p.m.

For more information about the pageant, or to obtain a form, please visit or contact Emily Williams at (618) 384-0178.


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