The McLeansboro City Council held its regular monthly session last night at the Hamilton County Courthouse and by phone.
The board approved the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals for the property at 601 East Randolph Street.
They accepted one of the two proposals received for the mowing of city properties for the 2021 mowing season from PNS Lawn Service for $500.
Approved was an invoice from Caldwell Tank in the amount of $7,600 for partial payment on the tank mixer. After some other work is done, the tentative date to put the tank online is the week of February 22nd. Mayor Dick Dietz is considering paying off the new water tower project all at once and Shawnee Professional Services is going to look into what the final cost might be.
Concerning the Preliminary Engineering Report Amendment for the proposed sanitary sewer lift station project, everything is on target for completion by the end of February. All the areas that need to have sewers have been identified.
By a vote of 4-2, the board agreed to renew the contract with Republic for waste collection for a five year period.
On accepting the property to be donated by Bird Dog Properties, the board decided to table the matter as they are still waiting on the contract with IDOT, and they also tabled discussion on the sidewalk south of Greg James Memorial Park.
A donation of $1,000 was approved to the Bicentennial Committee.
The excess monies from the $118,000 CURES grant, which went into the police fund, will be transferred into the building fund.
The board decided to lease a new John Deere skid steer for the street department at a cost of $10,039 for the entire year and keep the old one, renew the leasing agreement with the two John Deere backhoes for the water department and table purchasing new lawnmowers for the parks and rec department as they are looking into a possible trade-in of the old lawnmowers.
They tabled until next month’s meeting approving a policy to assist turning on lock out utilities temporarily to assist in the sale of that property for home inspections, until they can look into the situation more.
Approved was consent to assign a pole license agreement from NewWave back to its parent company, Cable One.
And the board approved the resignation of employee James Joiner as of February 4th.
Since all the board members hadn’t had a chance to look over all the information, the executive session for discussion of Executive Session Minutes from prior meetings was tabled until next month.
The board adjourned at 7:12 PM.