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Illinois State Police Donates to Local Charities

Carmi, IL – Illinois State Police District 19 Commander, Captain Nathan Douglas, would like to announce District 19 was able to make monetary donations to several charitable organizations this year, even though the District was unable to host their 19th annual in-house Charity Auction due to COVID-19 restrictions. In place of the Charity Auction, current Troopers, along with retired District 19 Troopers and
staff, held a monetary collection during November. At the end of the month, approximately $1750.00 was raised from the monetary donations.

As a result of the collection, District 19 was able to make a $250.00 donation to charitable organizations already identified in each of the seven counties it serves. The donations were to charitable organizations coordinating programs for children in the area this holiday season.

Captain Douglas stated, “I would like to thank those, especially our current and retired officers and staff, who made contributions to this valuable program this year and made it a success, despite the difficult
circumstances. If it was not for the continued generosity of those involved, these monetary donations would not have been possible.”


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