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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Hamilton County Health Department Covid Vaccine Update

The Hamilton County Health Department has begun reaching out to Phase 1A individuals and organizations with clinic dates at the Wayne County Health Department to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations. Long-term Care and Assisted Living residents and staff will be vaccinated by CVS and Walgreens through a separate program that began December 28th. Details on who qualifies for vaccination under Phase 1A can be found at the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) website: State of Illinois IDPH COVID-19 Vaccination Plan.

If you are in this Phase 1A group and have not received a call, please contact The Hamilton County Health Department 618-643-3522 for clinic dates and times. The county will not be able to move to Phase 1B until IDPH gives the entire state permission to move to Phase 1B collectively.

The public is asked to follow and share trusted sources of information on COVID-19. The spread of incorrect information during disease outbreaks can lead people to take actions which may not be beneficial to their health or health of others. Refer to trusted sources such as our Facebook page, Illinois Department of Public Health, and the CDC. The Illinois Department of Public Health has established a 24-hour COVID-19 hotline at 1-800-889-3931.


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