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Halloween is right around the corner! The staff of Fairfield Memorial Hospital wants everyone to have a safe, but fun time! Fairfield Memorial Hospital’s Radiology Department will be available the evenings of October 30th and 31st from 5pm until 9pm, for anyone that would like to bring their candy to be x-rayed free of charge. This is done to check for foreign objects in your treats. There may be a little bit of a wait if staff are busy x-raying patients but they will take care of you as soon as possible! To have your candy x-rayed at no cost to you please bring your candy bag directly to the Screening Station located in the main lobby of Fairfield Memorial Hospital. For more information about this free service, please call 618-847-8243.

Social distancing requirements will be in effect and visitors will be required to go through our screening stations and wear a mask at all times.


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