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Fairfield Memorial Hospital Encourages Public to Follow Advice of Health Agencies

It is of highest importance that ANYONE WHO HAS UPPER RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS performs the self-isolation recommendations on the following page. The medical community at FMH is prepared to deal with the current State of National Emergency over the COVID-19 virus pandemic. However, the best hospital in the country can only offer supportive care. At this time there is no specific approved treatment against the virus.


Christopher Ballard, MD, FMH Medical Staff Lead COVID-19 Physician, states “Self- Isolation is the most important key to success in this battle against COVID-19. You Are The Key! Shared sacrifices now on EVERYONE’s part will have a huge impact in the weeks to come.”


The communities that are having the lowest cases and deaths are all activity self-isolating and limiting social gatherings. This affects not just you, but your loved ones and your community. Any other viral illness such as the common cold, influenza, and so on will weaken YOUR immunity and may increase YOUR risks for poor outcome should you develop COVID-19. You do not need to be tested for COVID-19 to self-isolate. At this time, testing will be reserved for more severe symptoms which typically develop around day 7 of symptoms.

Self-isolation does NOT mean going to Wal-Mart, grocery store, the gas station, or anywhere that YOU could spread ANY VIRUS to someone else. YOU are the most important key to limiting the impact of COVID-19 in the local communities that we love.


At any time during self-isolation, if your symptoms worsen call your physician or the FMH COVID HOTLINE at 618-516-1062.


Thanks for YOUR ROLE in helping us keep the impact on our communities low.


“We realize that there is a lot of anxiety over the possibility of being exposed to COVID-19. We want to reassure our communities that if you will follow the advice of our team of medical providers and the advice of the health agencies, then you are significantly reducing your risk of exposure. We do not want anyone to not seek medical treatment for other conditions out of fear of exposure. Wearing a mask and utilizing proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette helps reduce the risk of exposure to not just COVID-19 but other viral illness such as the flu.” Commented FMH CEO Kathy Bunting-Williams.


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