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Do Good U – The story and interview with CEO Mitch Gross

There’s plenty of bad news in the world.  A freshly launched company, is aiming to change that however, and to do so on a global level.  Mitch Gross, the CEO of Do Good University (Do Good U), a husband and father of 2, a former farmer, and most recently (and currently still) owner of a successful painting business was raised in Carmi and First Christian Church.  It would be easy to assume the idea for Do Good U was born out of the recent global Covid-19 pandemic.  You’d be wrong though.  Mitch explains…

“The original idea for this came from my uncle about 20 years ago.  A little over a year ago, he came back to Carmi (he’s originally from here, but lives in Phoenix now) and out of the blue decided it was time for Do Good U to happen.  He’d had some time over the past 20 years that he thought he’d found the right people to get this off the ground and things just didn’t pan out.  We were at a family gathering this past Christmas and he essentially felt the Lord tell him that I was the guy to run this for him.”

Lewis Greer, Mitch’s uncle, serves as the Chief Vision Officer for Do Good U.  Greer had a music label when he lived in Nashville called Do Good Music and he has a book label called Do Good Books so Gross says the concept has been with him for quite a while.  Even before Covid-19 took over headlines, there have been lots of positives to focus on, Gross says.  “Even a year ago, there were things that were happening that were good.  But you could also see some things that were happening that were bad.  We want to focus on encouraging, educating, and celebrating those that are doing good.”

Gross says that while from a public standpoint, the idea is to recognize all good acts, the business side will focus on corporate culture.  “We just really want to have as much positive impact as we can, especially in the corporate world.  You know, businesses have to make a profit.  There’s no doubt about that and the focus is on money and that’s fine; that has to happen.  But sometimes, we get lost in that and sometimes we’re only focused on that bottom line and making sure that we’re in the black, not the red.  So we want to try to focus companies and help them refocus and kinda change the culture in their own business; the culture between them and competitors; the culture between the CEO all the way down to brick and mortar.  We want to bridge that gap with them and make sure everybody feels valued within companies and I think sometimes that gets lost.”

The third member of their team is Bill Belew.  He’s the CTO (Chief Technical Officer) and has been acquainted with Greer for around two decades or longer according to Gross who calls him a world renowned blogger.  Belew spent time as a missionary in Japan and has worked with the government there as well as Russia developing educational programs for them.  He’s the website builder and well versed in creating content.

You can listen to our entire interview below.  Visit Do Good U online by visiting


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