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Crossville Man Facing Charges After Alleged Alcohol Related Accident

A Crossville man is preparing for formal arraignment following his arrest last weekend.  According to the report from White County Sheriff’s personnel, it was about 8:30pm Saturday when Deputy Malone responded to a single vehicle accident on County Road 1500 off Highway 1.  Medical personnel were already on scene and according to White County Ambulance Director Adam Allen, the driver, identified as 70 year old Michael Frashier, appeared uninjured.  When the deputy asked Frashier how the accident happened, Frasher said he just missed his turn.  In the report, the deputy said Frashier appeared off balance, and was stumbling when he wasn’t leaning on his Subaru and slurring his words.  Malone also noted he smelled an odor of alcohol as Frashier was telling the deputy he’d only had two beers.  Malone administered field sobriety tests which Frashier failed and subsequently placed him in custody.

Once at the White County Jail, Frashier was taken to the DUI room and issued a citation and read a Warning to Motorist.  During the 20 minute observation period, the report indicates Frashier made several comments Malone took as threatening including Frashier saying he wasn’t trying to bribe the officer, but that he knew people who could harm him.  Frashier would end up refusing a breathalyzer according to the report and was issued citations for Improper Lane Usage and Resisting or Obstructing a Peace officer.

Frashier had a first appearance on Monday and is scheduled for formal arraignment on December 4th.

  1. Brad Hurt
    Brad Hurt
    November 16, 2023 at 9:48 am

    That 20min “observation ” period is a scam just let you BAC get higher incase you are not yet over the limit. This should ever be used.

    • Dominic
      November 17, 2023 at 12:30 pm

      That’s dumb and not why they do it, your BAC could drop in that amount of time too.

  2. Brad Hurt
    Brad Hurt
    November 16, 2023 at 9:49 am

    That 20min “observation ” period is a scam just let you BAC get higher incase you are not yet over the limit. This should never be used.

    November 16, 2023 at 2:03 pm

    I am curious , to know, what is the reason , for some to get there picture shown , while others do not !

  4. Billy Mitch*** Cindy's brother
    Billy Mitch*** Cindy's brother
    December 12, 2023 at 9:31 am

    He is 70 Jesus let.the man drink beer and go home he was right around the corner from his house he just missed the turn dang…


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