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Covid Count

Covid Count



The Egyptian Health Department reported 97 cases of Covid 19 over the weekend and Monday throughout the three county region covered by EHD.


There were 43 new cases in Saline County, ten in Gallatin and 44 in White County.


The White County cases included a female under the age of five; five females in their teens; three in their twenties; two in their thirties; two in their forties; two in their fifties; one in her seventies and two demographics unknown-case status in progress.

Male cases in White County included a boy under the age of five; two under the age of ten; one in their teens; five in their twenties; five in their thirties; three in their forties; three in their fifties; one in his sixties; two in their seventies; two in their eighties; and one demographic unknown-case status in progress.


To date, White County has had a total of 2,124 lab-confirmed positives including 27 deaths.

Saline has had a total of 3,213 positives with 58 deaths. Gallatin County has a total of 615 positives with four deaths recorded.


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