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Committee Assignments Approved During Grayville City Council Meeting Monday

The Grayville City Council met in their first session for the month of May Monday.
The council approved the minutes and consent agenda as well as the treasurer’s report. In that report, it was reported the city had $2,271,017.09 in restricted funds, $942,191.33 in investments, and $255,040.53 in cash on hand for a total amount of financial assets of $3,468,248.95. The council also certified the election results that announced Travis Thompson was re-elected mayor. Elected as city commissioners include Scott Browning, Dan Baldwin, Chris James, and Andi Ford. The board gave their thanks to Commissioners Jordan and Howell. Before the swearing in for the new terms for the new council.
After the swearing in, it was approved that Commissioner Browning would be the gas commissioner, Andi Ford the new finance commissioner, Dan Baldwin the Water and Sewer Commissioner, and Chris James as Street Commissioner. The board also approved the appointment of JoEllen Seil as city clerk, Sharon Waldon as City Treasurer and Chief Purchasing Officer , and Bobby Hatcher as Police Chief.
Committee assignments were approved with the following assignments; Commissioners Ford and Baldwin as head of Police Committee, Commissioners James and Ford as head of the Parks Committee, Commissioners Ford and Browning as heads of the Cemetery Committee, Mayor Thompson as the person in charge of the revolving loan committee, and Commissioner Ford as the lead member of the Finance Committee. Officials ask for the approval of Sharon Waldon as Treasurer and Jay Waldon as attorney for the city. The city also made appointments to the library board.
In commissioners reports, Commissioner Baldwin made mention of a new flag pole at the American Legion while Commissioner James reminded citizens to not get their grass clippings into the roadway while mowing.
In police reports, the department drove 5,044 miles, answered 173 calls for service, worked 21 case files, issued 21 traffic warnings and 19 citations, made 14 arrests, and investigated 3 car crashes. Police Chief Hatcher also told to council that their new officer has completed their field training.
After an executive session, the council voted 4-0 to employ Sky Thompson as an operator for the sewer department with Mayor Thompson abstaining from the vote. The board also voted to hire Brayden Lynn, Brayden Hatcher, and Zachary Levins for work with utilities department over the summer and Tripp Morris for work over the summer for the Cemetery Department. The board voted 4-0 with Commissioner Baldwin abstaining from the vote.
In other business, the board approved $21,440 of funds in the TIF 2 for 309 Homes LLC, $33,000 TIF 1 Agreement with Logan Bailey for Logan Bailey Financial.
An ordinance was tabled on limiting the amount of weight on city streets to 28-tons. The board on first reading. The exception to this would be 2nd street as the nursing home would need access for deliveries to their facility. The issue was tabled to next meeting.
Meeting dates for the next year have been set. The meetings for Grayville will be for the 2nd and 4th Mondays in each month with exception to December when the meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday and 4th Wednesday at 7 PM. The council approved the new dates unanimously.
The board looked at making an ordinance to make it where peddlers would not be allowed to sell door to door. Council members clarified that this is for outside of community sales and not those who are selling for local organizations. The council tabled that measure to the next meeting.
Outcast Airbursh appeared before the board for a funding request to make several building improvements to a building they own. $23,247.50 was approved for a TIF request on first reading. The motion was approved unanimously.
Grayville Liquor Lake Inc. was on hand to attempt to get a liquor license under A-B Classification. Earlier this year, the group was trying to get a different license, but was denied. This time, the council approved the license 3-2 with commissioners Baldwin and Ford voting no.
Horizon Hospitality requested more funding for a difference in pricing on repairs to the former Quality Inn. The board mentioned their request was for an additional $3780.88 towards the project. The board approved that measure unanimously.
Brent Speir made a request to the city council for a TIF request for the driving range and ice machine. Officials with the city looked over the request and determined that not everything was eligible. The issue was tabled until the next meeting.
The city discussed the replacement of a bench that was damaged by an accident down by the Senior Citizen’s Center. The city is working in fighting with the person who caused the accident’s insurance company.
The city in its final matter approved the closure of Illinois 130 and Illinois Route 1 for the 2023 Memorial Day Parade.

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