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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Coins for Cancer Hot Out of the Gate; Has Already Dispersed $5,000 in First 3 Months; Much More to Come

It’s been 3 months since Coins for Cancer has officially established itself as a local non profit and the five women driving the effort have already dispersed more than $5,000 to individuals battling the disease.  Becky McCormick, Carrie Carpenter, Angie Lueke, Kim Winter, and Courtney Desper visited with Carmi Kiwanis Thursday to explain their mission and effort.  Four of the five women are cancer survivors themselves and after the pandemic and the dwindling of the White County Relay for Life, the group saw the need firsthand how they could make a difference directly.

“Really, God laid it on my heart to start this.  I’m a two-time survivor so when I was diagnosed with colon cancer in ’22 and went through treatment, I was like something has got to be done because it’s not just me.  It’s everybody that deals with cancer…family, friends.”

There’s a QR Code you can use to donate directly if you’d like or you can find a link below:

As far as upcoming fundraisers, the women have big plans including a Star Wars themed day in conjunction with May the 4th be with you day.  It starts with a volleyball tournament themed by The Empire Spikes Back and ends with Trivia at the Elks Lodge.  Lueke explains.

“So each of you can get a volleyball team formed and register with Becky Wheeler.  It’s a single elimination tournament.  You’ll have plenty of time to go play volleyball, go home, apply ice or heat, and then come out to the Carmi Elks Lodge to play trivia.  May the 4th be with you.”

More information on both of those fundraisers is available on the Coins for Cancer facebook page

Additionally, plans are in the works for a gospel sing and in the fall, the organization is planning a Battle of the Bands.  And there’s more too.

“We are also planning a survivor dinner.  That’s something I helped organize with the Relay and something I kinda want to carry on.  It’s the one time the survivors come together.  We catered them a meal; they come in, sit down and if they need help carrying a plate, a drink, we’ve got it.  They got to come in and didn’t have to do anything.  They were just the guests of honor.”

The group is looking for sponsors ahead of that evening.  Currently, the group is about to embark on a fundraiser selling Malone’s Taffy.  More information on everything the Coins for Cancer is working on is available in this story and in the group’s social media page.

In Kiwanis business, the club has added yet another new member.  Carmi’s largest civic organization just keeps growing as the club welcomes Lance Magnotta, a Registered Nurse.


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