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Carmi-White County Unit #5 School Board Met Monday

Superintendent Brad Lee said in his report that the district has made arrangements to have breakfasts and lunches for students that need them while school is out due to the coronavirus outbreak. Starting today all students are invited to pick up Lunch, and also Breakfast for the following morning at various locations. They are the Lincoln School, Carmi Church of God, Stewart Street Church, Faith Tabernacle Church, First United Methodist Church, Crossville United Methodist Church and in Maunie. Meals can be picked up from 11:30 AM until Noon Monday through Friday.

For this school year, there are four emergency days that have not been used, but they will not have to be made up.

Brownsville School and Pre-K through 3rd graders were sent packets of assignments while the schools are closed. Students from 4th Grade and Up will get their lessons online. Lee said arrangements will be made for those who don’t have internet capability.

The Administration Office will be open from 8 AM to 1 PM Monday through Friday. Administrators will be available there from 8 to 11 AM and Head Cooks will be available from 8 AM to Noon to prepare the meals, staff and volunteers will also be there when possible.

All extra-curricular events will be cancelled through March 30th, and all employees will be paid their regular salary.

The spring musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie” has been cancelled, but as of now, the High School Prom will be held April 18th.

Lee asked people to go to the School District website for updates as this is a fluid situation.

The Illinois School Construction Task Force released its final report with recommendations for how the School Construction Grant Program should function. The report is being sent to the Governor, General Assembly and the chairperson of the Illinois State Board of Education to review.

The board of education review will be possible in the summer or early fall, the Capital Development Board Review will possibly be in late spring or early summer 2021, the collection of matching funds will take about two years and then the Capital Development Board will disburse the grant funding when appropriate.

Information will be monitored as is becomes available and they will keep the board updated. The Building Bulldog Pride Facilities Committee will reconvene in April to look at the possible next steps.
V. Joy McCully was appointed district office administrative secretary, as IMRF authorized agent to succeed district bookeeper Laura Goematt due to her reassignment to duties that now include assisting with payroll, effective today.

In other business, membership was renewed in the Illinois High School Association; the board accepted the retirements of Trena Black, and Cynthia Francis  effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year; the resignations of Melissa Coniglione as a special education individual aide at Washington School effective March 5th and Todd Rice as HIgh School Assistant Basketball Coach effective immediately; and accepted $305 in donations to Lincoln School and $500 to Brownsville School.

The board went into closed session at 7:42 PM to discuss personnel.

In the closed session the board voted unanimously that Sara Rider be reassigned as a Junior/Senior High School Building Custodian to a Lincoln Attendance Center Building Custodian for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Greg Leggett.


Kelly Taylor was reassigned as a Kindergarten Teacher at Lincoln Attendance Center to a 5th Grade Teacher at Washington Attendance Center for the 2020-2021 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Anna York.


Kate Simmons will be employed as the Junior High School Girl’s Head Track Coach for the 2019-2020 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Trey Mason.


Brandon Smith was approved as a Junior High School Volunteer Assistant Boys’ Track Coach for the 2019-2020 school year.


Jayme Cowling, Margherita DiMaggio and Suzanne Tomm will be placed on tenure at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.


First year certified staff members April Benham, Sabrina Cox, Jessica Flannigan, Todd Haley, Kim Hindman, Brenda Lack, Robin Mick, Tara Miller, Whitney Pearce, Felicia Rumsey, Megan Tockstein and Rhet Vaughan will be re-employed for the 2020-2021 school year.


Second year certified staff members Rachel Attebury, Tomas Brandt, Amy Burgener, Angela Cole, Julie Jackson, Sarah Richards, Ashley Walls, and Shannon Webb will be re-employed for the 2020-2021 school year.


Third year certified staff members Adam Cross, Hannah Roe-Gottman and Bethany Scates will be re-employed for the 2020-2021 school year.


School Administrators, Amy Atteberry, Amy Dixon, Bart King, Jarrod Newell, and Kathy Price were also re-employed for the 2020-2021 school year.


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