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Carmi Township Reports a Successful Year

On Tuesday, the Carmi Township held their annual and monthly meetings, showing positive results.

Sixty-nine grants for the Township’s General and Emergency Assistance were approved, distributing a total of $20,448.27, marking the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 the most the board has spent helping residents the of Carmi.

Supervisor Pam Deig explained,

“Totals for personal incidentals, over 23. And it was $4,457.50. Utilities had 24 at $7,732.42. Shelter, we had 19 at $7,615. Food, we had four at $450. Transportation with 1 for $143.41. Special Needs, we had one, and the total was $49.94. It went up. Yeah, last year was less than seven grand. Yeah, I remember it had been, at some time, $16,000. I don’t know, it’s been, I think maybe $18,000 was the highest that I’ve been here so far. I think it’s the highest I’ve ever paid. Well, yeah, it’s just we are doing a lot more GA than we’ve done in the past. A lot more clients have qualified for GA than in the past. It makes a difference if your GA is your monthly assistance or your EA is just the one time every 12 months. But we have had quite a few GAs this year. The community outreach that we’ve been doing, I think, has been very successful for GA and EA assistance.”

Board members elected Adam Winkleman as the Moderator. Winkleman read through the Fiscal Year 2023-2024, and the annual Treasurer’s Report had an end balance of $1,377,334.36.

Road Commissioner Chris McEwing reviewed his detailed report on the expenses used to improve the Township’s roads.

To end the annual meeting portion of the night, Deig reported on what the members accomplished during the 2023-2024 year. Carmi Township gave a $2,000 grant to the White County Senior Citizens and installed a security system and cameras at the Township and Road buildings. Clint Wolff was appointed as the new Cemetery Trustee. Amy Edwards attended a grant writing seminar in Springfield to learn more about grants, and board members attended  the Township Conference in November and two GATTI conferences. Deig thanked everyone for doing a great job and working well together.

Now, to their monthly meeting. The Township only received one bid for a backhoe from Diamond Equipment out of Evansville. Brian Atteberry reviewed the bid with the members, discussing the two-year unlimited warranty and full coverage. The board approved of the purchase of the new backhoe for $108,280.

The General Assistance for March was for one shelter grant, two personal incidentals, and two utilities, for a total of $2,125.

The next board meeting will be held on May 14th at 6:00 pm.


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