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Carmi Kiwanis Celebrates FFA Week with Organization Leadership

It’s FFA Week and the Carmi – White County constituency is strong.  With 173 active members, club co-advisor John Lamp says the Carmi chapter is not only one of the largest groups in the school, but one of the larger organizations in the region.  You may see a large contingent of tractors heading to school Friday morning as it’s Drive your Tractor to School Day to cap the week.  Lamp, along with most of the Carmi FFA officers were guests at Thursday’s Carmi Kiwanis meeting.

Leadership this year is made up of two term President and senior Joseph Gates, Vice President Camden Crow, Treasurer Chad Burnett, Eli Bryant serves as Reporter, Payton Digman is the club’s Sentinel, and the club’s final officer is Secretary Tyson Spicer.

The organization has had a busy year and week already.

“We just got back late last night from the FFA Night at the SIU basketball game.  We took 28 kids to go watch that and learn more about the SIU Ag program down there.”

They have more coming up too.

“Ag Legislative Day is March 13th…we’ll take the officer crew up to the state capitol.  They’ll get to sit in on a legislative session.  We go up and we talk to our representatives for the district that the kids are within so they get to meet and kinda see how the legislatives are ran at the state capitol.”

Keep up with the Carmi White County FFA by finding the club’s page on facebook or clicking here.

In Kiwanis business, the club grew by one adding Kaylee Adams, new Edward Jones Financial Advisor to it’s roster.

Kaylee Adams is inducted into the Carmi Kiwanis Club. She’s pictured with her sponsor Emily Williams while Kiwanis President Kelly Northcott looks on from the podium.

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