A quick meeting Tuesday evening took place out of the comfort of each Carmi City Council member’s home or place of business as the twice a month gatherings returned to phone meetings while the state and White County especially is dealing with a CoViD surge. In the fifteen minute conference call, the mayor and council heard from City Accountant Keith Botsch who advised members prior to approval of a vote on the tax levy and assessment of property tax ordinance. Botsch says though taxes remain a question mark for the county (White County is STILL yet to send out tax bills), he expects the city to be in “ok shape” based on the 4.99% increase the city will levy versus the previous year. Botsch says:
“So what we’re levying is $87,275 in the general fund. The police pension fund is $475,756…it went up, but it’s kinda slowed down the increase so hopefully that continues and doesn’t become an issue. The library fund is $79,860 for a total levy of $642,891.”
Alderman Sheila Headlee asked if once the state takes over the downstate pension fund and it gets in a bigger pool, if Botsch thought that Carmi’s portion would go down next year. Botsch said it was a tough question, but that:
“if they do everything like they should, I think it should probably go down. If they take advantage of these ones that have cash, like Carmi, there’s no telling what’s going to happen. I don’t have a lot of trust coming out of Chicago or Springfield to be honest with you.”
Additionally, council passed Ordinances 1569 and 1570 surrounding abatements.
In reports from council members, Alderman Steve Winkleman reported on a Library Board meeting indicating that earlier repairs were evidently insufficient.
“They fixed that hole in the ceiling back some time we were talking about. Well, we’ve got a leak out there again…the same leak we’ve been having and it’s broke that hole in again. We’re gonna have to do something about that.”
Mayor Jeff Pollard responded he’d have city workers attend to it once again. The meeting was adjourned in just under 15 minutes.