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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Carmi City Council Returns to Form, Goes Gentle into that Good Night

After a few meetings with quite the hullabaloo, the Carmi City Council breezed through a session with no feedback from the handful of guests looking on from the gallery Tuesday.  In just 9 minutes, Carmi leaders authorized spending of more than $150,000 including $58,500 to TriKote, LLC through Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Rebuild Illinois funds for water tank painting, an engineering bill for the same project totaling just over $9,000, $34,000 to Wiggs Excavating for water system improvements, an administration bill for those improvements coming to $941 and change, and a Brown and Roberts engineering pay request of $28,080 for a job on Saunders Avenue and Meadow Street.

Additionally, Conger and Elliott’s statement for $120 for work on the Attorney’s Compliance Statement was approved as was a TIF Façade Agreement with the Carmi VFW in the amount of $5,000.  The non-profit has plans to add a new digital sign to the street facing side of their building.  Finally, Marshall Electric will be paid $18,951.30 for work that continues at 225 East Main Street.  At the July 2nd meeting, a Marshall Electric invoice of $9,960 was approved for the company installing a new generator.  All council members unanimously approved all spending.  Mayor Jeff Pollard said he was hopeful that by next meeting, most of the work near council chambers at 225 East Main would be done or nearing completion.

Council members had no comments or updates from their committees other than alderwoman Headlee saying she had a constituent asking if anything could be done about the Fairgrounds and Oak Street intersection.  That thoroughfare being a state highway, is under the jurisdiction of IDOT and therefore, the city wouldn’t be able to install a stop light even if they wanted to do so.

With no closed session, the meeting adjourned at 5:39pm.  The next council gathering is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6th.

  1. Bob
    July 17, 2024 at 11:06 am

    That intersection at Fairground and Oak Street is a bad place.. dangerous and with Hucks having their hedges and flags and signs out front by the street blocks the view coming off Fairground street onto Oak Street… they need to remove them so they won’t block the view of traffic when pulling away from the stop sign and it’s worse when school is in session

    • Trump2024
      July 17, 2024 at 7:24 pm

      I definitely agree on this statement. I go there daily and the traffic is even worse when school is in session.

  2. William McGarvey
    William McGarvey
    July 17, 2024 at 9:11 pm

    I would also like a better view I don’t think anyone would miss the fact that a convince store is there without the flags. And mabey people wouldn’t make faces at you while you turn.


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