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Carmi City Council Meeting Summary – 1/3/2023

The Carmi City Council held the first of their two monthly meetings on Tuesday January 3rd, with all members present. There were several items on the agenda, all of which were approved at the council. The items approved include: a resolution establishing the City Council Meeting Dates for 2023, a resolution authorizing an agreement with Kyle Hosick Financial Services, LLC for an existing building renovation project utilizing tax increment financing, a tax increment financing redevelopment agreement with Country Financial Office Renovation, a pay request from Brown & Roberts, Inc. for Design Engineering Bill #1 and Bidding Services of the 6th Street Sanitary Sewer Project in the amount of $34, 168.15.  The council also gave approval to purchase the VAC trailer for $84,470.75 as well as Ordinance #1597, ordaining that curfews be set for City of Carmi owned parks.

There were no reports from the mayor, committees, or business or comments from visitors.  There was no closed session after the meeting.



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