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Busy Meeting for Mill Shoals Trustees

Mill Shoals Village Board Met

The Mill Shoals Village Board met last week in regular session and covered a number of topics ranging from storm damage to police cars.

Belonda Carl and Bill Arndt were present to discuss a tree that fell onto one of their outbuildings. Following discussion in closed session the board said they would not offer any settlement. Arndt discussed potential litigation and apparently left the meeting in frustration.

The trustees learned two of the board members traveled to Kentucky to look at a police car and reported the car would be at the next meeting for the full board to view at which time a decision will be made concerning the police vehicle.

Permits to finish the emergency water line repair have been submitted and the Delta Regional Authority grant was denied due to a lack of matching funds.

It was reported Mt. Carmel Stabilization will be in the village on or around the 20th of this month (sept) to oil and chip Mill Shoals streets.

The board also agreed it was “time to quit kicking the can down the road” concerning the No Engine braking sign which had been ran over. It was decided to put the sign back up and several trustees volunteered to help with traffic control while the sign was reposted.

While it was determined tickets should not be written while the sign is down it was decided to reach out to the county and or village attorney for clarity concerning the signage.

The next scheduled Mill Shoals village board meeting is Thursday, Oct. 5 at 7 p.m.


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