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Busy but Brief Meeting for Enfield Village Board

The Enfield Village Board held a short meeting of about 35 minutes Tuesday night.

Concerning the Water Project, they will advertise for bids for water meters in January for what should be the last time.

As far as the new street lights go, brackets with bolts that hold in concrete have been purchased, and after those are put in, they will start to tear up the sidewalks and install the lights.

The board approved advertising for bids for the 2006 Ford 250 and the 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor with the deadline to send in bids being the next village board meeting on December 12th.  They also approved the Enfield Fire Protection District advertising for bids for two fire trucks with a deadline of December 10th.

The five full time village employees will receive a $300 Christmas bonus, up from $250 last year.

Also approved was a Christmas donation to the 14 residents of Enfield Rehab and Healthcare of $25 for each resident, same amount as last year.

Two members of the Enfield Christian Church Safety Committee asked the board about purchasing storm sirens.  Board member Jim Bolin, Director of the White County EMA, is looking at getting funding for storm sirens for Enfield, as well as for Springerton and Mill Shoals, but said it will take some time.

The Police Department is looking at getting grants for video equipment.

In the Animal Control report, there is a resident with five goats that have sometimes been running loose.  The owner said he will get rid of them.

An Executive Session was held at 7:36 PM with no action to follow.


1 comment
  1. Debbie Stone
    Debbie Stone
    November 15, 2023 at 2:54 pm

    The Village of Enfield did not give permission for the fire department to sell their equipment. They gave permission for bids to be left at the village hall as there is no place at the fire dept to leave them. The village and fire department are two separate entities. Deborah Stone, Village Ckerk


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