The nine total entities or individuals who appealed to the White County Board of Review have their results. All were lowered except for one, from what Supervisor of Assessments Gary Baxley assessed. All will see an increase though, ranging from an $8,000 jump in assessed to a more than $49,500 jump for Joe Lane in assessed value on his home in Indian Creek Township. Joe Lane’s assessment was kept at $117,854, a considerable increase from the township value which was previously at $68,343. Others who pleaded their case were more successful, though all those are also going up over what they were previously assessed at. That’s in part thanks to an equalizer of 1.1181 assessed at the local level. Earlier last week, the Illinois Department of Revenue issued a final multiplier of 1.0000 for White County. At face value, that looks good, but as Baxley has warned, the severely underassessed properties throughout White County forced him to have to apply the equalization which will affect most throughout the county. Furthermore, if Baxley hadn’t applied the equalization allowing the IDoR to issue a multiplier of 1.0000, his office says the state could withhold half of his salary.