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An Active Warrant Leads to Texas Mans Arrest

During the initial stop of what was originally improper lane usage, White County Sheriff Deputies, asked John Torres three times for a valid date of birth after he told officers he did not have a driver’s license. Each time he gave a false date of birth. Torres was placed under arrest, but an officer was able to find actual identification while Torres’ motorcycle was being towed. The identification had expired in 2011 and showed that Torres was wanted on an active warrant in Texas, and was listed as a registered sex offender.

Torres was taken to the White County Jail for three citations: Improper Lane Usage, No Valid Driver’s License, and Obstructing Identification.

  1. Noway Jose
    Noway Jose
    April 16, 2024 at 12:58 pm

    The white county jail has the worse camera on the planet! Why don’t you do a story on that JC ?? I mean who approves these photos, I know the police are not that stupid?

  2. Crybaby^
    April 16, 2024 at 6:10 pm

    If u think u can do a better job at taking pictures; then apply for the job!!! Better yet why not donate a better camera if you’re gonna gripe! Otherwise don’t take it out on JC!

  3. Nojose
    April 18, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    Umm I wasn’t taking it on on JC you Cunn. TT. I was saying do a story on the morons that think this is a good picture, like you snowflake


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