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White County Fair Queen, Junior, and Little Miss Candidates

Monday, August 5th kicks off the White County Queen pageant at 7 PM. Fill the stands and cheer on all the contestants!




Little Miss contestants, with the retiring Queen, include (left to right): Blakely Nelson, Aurora Veatch, Oaklynn Emery, Baylor Bell, 2023 Little Miss White County Graecelyn O’Neal, Aubree Drone, Remi O’Neal, and Aria Bartlett.












Junior Miss contestants, with the retiring Queen (left to right): Brinkley Moore, Carly Digman, 2023 Junior Miss White County Alexandra Vaupel, Bella Morris, Kaylyn Turner, and Marley Knight.









Lastly, the Queen contestants, with retiring Queen (left to right): Jaleigh Sullivan, Katelyn Allen, 2023 Miss White County Brenna Russell, Andi Garner, Lydia Vineyard, and Megan Neal.


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