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SIC Foundation Honors Falcon Society and Dream Makers

The SIC Foundation recently held its annual Donor Appreciation Event in the George T. Dennis Visual & Performing Arts Center. A number of SIC supporters and alumni were recognized for their generosity toward SIC students, including the Falcon Society, the Dream Maker Society, and the Franks Visionary Philanthropy award winner. Pictures were taken in front of the Donor Wall where names of major givers can be found on feathers representing the various giving levels.

Falcon Society members present to be recognized at the event were (front row, l-r) Gina Sirach, Hon. Ella Travelstead, and Johnathan Travelstead. Back row (l-r) Mike Sirach, Dr. Karen Weiss, Dr. Kyla Burford, and Dr. Chris Barr.

Additionally, (and not pictured) donors recognized for contributing to the success of the Stanford D. Williams Career and Training Center in Carmi included:

• Absher Charitable Foundation

• Campbell Energy, LLC

• City of Carmi

• Elastec, Inc.

• Freudenberg: Vibracoustic

• Martin & Bayley, Inc.

• Roark Trucking

• White County Board

The SIC Foundation is always looking for new prospects to provide educational opportunities to more students. Planned giving options allow donors to make sizeable charitable donations without necessarily writ­ing a check with current funds.

Outright contributions such as cash can be made by ownership of marketable securities (stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, for example), real estate, life insur­ance, and other assets can also be transferred. In addition, a variety of trusts, estate bequests, and other gifts with retained benefit can be given. Different methods have vary­ing advantages in terms of fund­ing, taxes, and capital gains.

The Southeastern Illinois College Foundation was formed by the college’s board of trustees in November 1983 to provide a means of raising and administering private funds to support activities and programs at the college which are not adequately funded by local, state, and federal tax resources and student tuition. For more information about giving, Falcon Society membership, or Alumni & Friends membership, contact the SIC Foundation office at 618-252-5400 ext. 2482, or visit


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