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Grayville Council Gathers for Final May Meeting

Grayville leaders are inching toward having to start moving on their water replacement project.  The city was awarded a $550,000 Development Block Grant through the state executed in December.  Per a new guideline, the project must be advertised within 6 months of the grant agreement execution giving them a deadline of June 28th.  Rex Gower of Milano and Grunloh Engineering gave officials an update on that and other projects at the final May council meeting Tuesday night.  Other topics Gower touched on include the Albion/Grayville joint water treatment plant, bulk water sales, Clayton Homes proposed subdivision development, and sidewalk replacement.

In commissioner reports, leaders continue to push residents to clean up junk from their properties and keep up with lawns.  Commissioners also thanked volunteers for getting the cemetery ready for Memorial Day.

Following a 13 minute executive session, council did take action on a first reading ordinance which will approve the sale of property at 201 West Commerce.  Council also approved putting the property at the corner of Third and South Street up for bid.  That bid will have a reserve allowing council to reject any bids that are under an undisclosed minimum.

Council approved the easement on vacated Pulaski Street to make way for the water line extension project and approved ordinance 951 establishing dates, times, and places for council meetings.

In new business, officials updated the budget.  You can find an updated budget below

Additionally, council approved a motor fuel tax project at the cemetery and approved the sidewalk replacement as part of the waterline replacement project.  Finally, council approved a TIF 1 assistance request for JP’s Gun’s and Stuff which will amount to $34,700.

Council adjourned at 7:45pm and will next gather on June 10th.


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