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Assessor Asks for Assistance from Property Owners

Assessor Amy Short-Edwards has issued the following release:

Attention All White County Taxpayers

Amy Short-Edwards is the Township Assessor for all the townships in White County that consists of:  Mill Shoals Township, Enfield Township, Indian Creek Township, Bt. Prairie Township, Carmi Township, Gray Township, Phillips Township, Hawthorne Township, Heralds Prairie Township, and Emma Township.  If you need a re-assessment, report removal of a structure, report something new has been added to the property (building, addition, manufactured home etc.), or need to discuss your assessed value please call me directly at 618-383-5614 or for Carmi Township only you may also call the township office at 618-382-7889.  The Tax Assessment Cycle starts with the Township Assessor.  Thank you!

  1. Taxed Enough Already
    Taxed Enough Already
    April 24, 2024 at 12:12 pm

    Property taxes are theft. Pure and simple. We need less government and more freedom.

  2. Twilight Zone
    Twilight Zone
    April 24, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    Everyone who pays taxes should ask this question. Why am I paying taxes on my wages? Then paying sales tax to spend my money. Then paying income taxes on money they already taxed and paying property taxes after I already paid taxes on said property? What happened to our forefathers idea of America?

    • Demsdone
      April 29, 2024 at 4:35 pm

      Talk to your supervisor of a**essment it appears that he knows nothing about everything

      • Terry Ziegler-Abell
        Terry Ziegler-Abell
        May 7, 2024 at 4:07 pm

        Lmao, tooo funny, love it

  3. Outlaw
    April 24, 2024 at 1:18 pm

    How much will the township a**essor be paying me for doing her job? Should I keep track of my hours or just a let property basis?

    • Terry Abell
      Terry Abell
      April 24, 2024 at 5:08 pm

      This is to outlaw, why didn’t you use your name Gary? You just did by your 1st sentence. You don’t have to do her job you are just going out doing stuff because you think you’re the only authority around and you’re out here bashing Amy and making it as rough as you can on her, trying to get her to quit so you can be Hitler over the whole county. If you would work with her like you should be doing instead of what you’re doing things would go a whole lot better. You know it’s a funny thing to me when you was a township a**essor you didn’t hesitate to call her almost on a daily basis telling her what was going up new or being torn down etc yet you won’t give her messages now if someone calls or comes to that office that they need something looked at or if one of your minions have seen something that has changed. You’re not even giving her a chance to do her job, you’re just going out and doing it and when people ask you where she is you’re telling them “she’s not doing her job so I have to do it” which is nothing but a bold face lie. You’re not even trying to work with her. What is the difference? I’ll tell you the difference, like I said before, you want control of it all. Oh and I’m not scared to put my name on what I have to say because it is the absolute truth and not a bold face lie.

      • Just Me
        Just Me
        April 24, 2024 at 9:20 pm

        In my opinion for what it’s worth, he’s worried that she might find out that he wasn’t doing his job in the past or he evidently doesn’t have a clue what he’s supposed to be doing as supv of a**essment and he’s trying to take the heat off of him so people won’t focus on him and his ignorance

    • Big Bertha
      Big Bertha
      April 24, 2024 at 9:15 pm

      If you knew what you were doing in your own position you wouldn’t have time to worry about doing everyone else’s job. I think you are in fear that Amy has discovered that you hadn’t been doing your job when you were the a**essor. You just riding around and picking and choosing who you wanted to a**ess or ones you turned your back to. My advice to you is stay in your own lane.

    • Jim Jones
      Jim Jones
      April 25, 2024 at 9:26 am

      If you would worry about your own job you wouldn’t have time to drive around doing anyone else job. What are you afraid of? You pick and choose who you want to a**ess, you have even been accused of refusing Amy’s a**essments . You are clearly corrupt and you have no business being in that position.

    • Demsdone
      April 29, 2024 at 4:33 pm

      Learn your position before you go trying to tell someone else how to do theirs. You don’t know what you’re doing in this position and it shows

  4. Amy Short Edwards
    Amy Short Edwards
    April 24, 2024 at 2:21 pm

    Not asking you to do my job Sir. Just giving tax payers information where they can contact me if they need a**istance. I don’t work out of Court house. Thank you for your comment though.

    • Deedee
      April 29, 2024 at 4:42 pm

      Amy there plenty of attorneys out there who do nothing but handle slander and defamation cases and it appears to me that this is what’s happening to you. He is actually committing a crime, an elected official aren’t supposed to slander or defame anyone while in office. There are laws out there to protect people from this type of behavior.

  5. Gary Butler
    Gary Butler
    April 24, 2024 at 2:40 pm

    You better pay your property taxes or we’ll come and take away your property that you worked hard for! Groceries through the roof! Inflation gone insane but you better pay!!! Oh and if you improved anything we’re going to punish you more! When is enough ENOUGH!

    • Jim jones
      Jim jones
      April 24, 2024 at 9:10 pm

      I honestly don’t think they are allowed to raise taxes for home maintenance , you should contact someone

  6. Rosey
    April 24, 2024 at 7:18 pm


  7. Just Me
    Just Me
    April 24, 2024 at 8:56 pm

    For those who have a problem with their tax bill should take your complaints to the Supervisor of Assessor’s office. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly or you have concerns about your tax bills please feel free to contact the Supervisor of Assessor . As for Amy Short everyone should be considerate and take into account that she has basically the entire county plus she has a full time job outside of doing the township a**essor duties, Amy is very friendly and very knowledgeable of her duties. As she has stated she is the very first person in line of contact with your a**essments .

  8. Jim Jones
    Jim Jones
    April 24, 2024 at 9:06 pm

    I have been informed that the so called supervisors of a**essments has changed Amy’s a**essments in which will raise my taxes depending upon whether he likes you or not. He is definitely not for everyone in the county . I suggest we vote him out. I d*** sure didn’t vote for him and never will. Just another corrupt elected official in the county.

  9. Kathy Simmons
    Kathy Simmons
    April 25, 2024 at 12:28 pm

    Its only legal to steal when the government does it. No different than the mafia. You may not get your legs broken but they will send an goon.

  10. Jed Jaqualis
    Jed Jaqualis
    April 26, 2024 at 8:51 pm

    Hey outlaw (G. B.), what part of your schooling taught you to peep in peoples windows? If you peep are you looking at furniture? & would a nice living room suit up someone’s a**essment? Maybe you’re just trying to see something else? You cherry picking people you have issues with & raising their taxes is very unprofessional so why don’t you let a**essor just do their job? Stay off people’s property & keep your peeping confined to out your office window. You should realize there are cameras everywhere these days & you’ve been caught! You are not above the law Gary!!!

    • Terry Ziegler-Abell
      Terry Ziegler-Abell
      May 7, 2024 at 4:11 pm

      Love it, true, true, true


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