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Williams County States Attorney’s Office Assigned as Special Prosecutor in Blades Case

A case we’ve been following for nearly 7 months now finally has a special prosecutor assigned.  It was September 26, 2023 when a local attorney allegedly retrieved a firearm, shot and killed her own dog in front of witnesses after an incident.  According to the report, Rhonda Blades was holding the dog on a leash when the dog bit an 11-year-old boy.  The dog then allegedly ran after the child, but no additional injuries were sustained.  Carmi Police Chief Jason Carter said the child received only minor injuries and has since recovered physically.  Included in the those witnessing the event was Blades husband, Judge Thomas Dinn. States Attorney at the time, Denton Aud then forwarded the report on for assignment of a special prosecutor.  A check Wednesday afternoon with new States Attorney Chris Neal revealed that the Williamson County State’s Attorney’s Office has been appointed as Special Prosecutor for the case.  Neal says authorities in that office are currently reviewing the case and still determining whether or not to file charges.  Blades could face Reckless Discharge of a Firearm as well as Cruelty to an Animal charges.


November 15th, 2023 Update

Seven Weeks Later – Still No Special Prosecutor Assigned to Case – WRUL-FM

Original story from October 4th, 2023:

Attorney Shoots Dog; Special Prosecutor Expected to Review Potential Charges – WRUL-FM

  1. Wilma Thomas
    Wilma Thomas
    April 18, 2024 at 9:24 am

    If I had a dog and it bit a child, the dog would definitely be destroyed immediately. However, I don’t have a dog and I don’t have a gun. Personally, I admire Ms. Blades for taking immediate action.

  2. Cj Fitzpatrick
    Cj Fitzpatrick
    April 21, 2024 at 7:22 pm

    I have a dog and a gun and if my dog bit a child best believe it would be put down immediately I also admire Mrs blades

  3. Guy
    April 22, 2024 at 10:59 am

    Rhonda did the right thing. The case should be dropped immediately.


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