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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

White County Board Goes to the Dogs

Aside from business called for on the agenda Tuesday night, comments from visitors received most of the attention and surrounded animal control.  Animal Rescue Coordinator and Transporter for Southern Illinois, Haley Dagley addressed the board about a recent animal control issue.  She says about a month ago she was called into a situation in Maunie in which a woman was going to surrender 4 dogs that were living under less than ideal circumstances.

“Since then, this woman has sent pictures of her living conditions.  She’s unable to care for any animals.  She has no means to take care of herself let alone other things.  She has since then got another dog.  The dog is living in these conditions.  There’s something that can be done.  But I think it’s a matter of a training issue.  I don’t believe that Steve (animal control officer for White County) has that training to be able to fulfill his duties.  I don’t think that’s in any way his fault.  But there is something we can do as a county to better prepare him and Linda (City of Carmi Animal Control Officer) going into these situations for these animals.  Ultimately, we’re just neglecting a really big piece and a potential profit to the county.  We’re picking up dogs, these strays, you can vaccinate them, get their rabies and microchip…that’s more money coming into the county when those dogs are picked up.  There’s different resources out there that can help animal control, but right now that’s not really going on.”

In addition to it being a disservice to the animals ending up in dismal conditions, Dagley says there is training the state offers for free and by not participating, the county is leaving itself open to trouble.

“We’re not following the protocols and duties set by the Department of Ag and the county can actually be fined for that.  Everytime that an animal cruelty charge or case isn’t investigated, it can be $20 to $100 fine per incident.”

It wasn’t just White County Animal Control that got spotlighted as Wayne County Board member Andy Glover was in attendance hoping to potentially contract or outsource some of that county’s animal control to White County.

“We’re looking for a different way…exploring options for our animal control.  Right now, our Humane Society in Fairfield is contracted to do it.  They’re a no-kill shelter so they’re always full so they can’t ever go get ‘em or they can go get ‘em but they don’t have anywhere to put ‘em.  So we’re just kinda looking at some options.  Up north of Effingham, Clay County, they’re looking at doing a multiple county animal control.  So we’re just kinda talking to some surrounding counties to see if anybody had interest in that.”

A Carmi citizen then spoke out suggesting White County should get it’s doghouse in order before entertaining expanding it’s animal control services.

Other news out of the County Board meeting, Treasurer Mike Baxley says about 60% of the county’s payable property taxes had been received to this point.  First installments were due on Monday.

Resident Earl Harlowe commended Highway Engineer Brian Ray and his crew for their work on roads, mowing, and tree trimming in the County Road 600 East area.

John Stockton, an outspoken and directly impacted resident of solar, inquired about a sound ordinance in the county and was told there wasn’t one.  There’s an agreement about sound once the solar farm is in operation, but that doesn’t cover during construction.

Board members tabled several agenda items Tuesday night, but did approve insurance renewal for property, liability, cyber security, and unemployment at an estimated 10-15% increase.

The board recessed into executive session at 7:34pm and remained behind closed doors for 22 minutes.  They were discussing personnel and when they reconvened at 7:56pm, no action was taken and the meeting adjourned.  White County officials and board members will next gather on November 21st at 7pm in the White County Courthouse.



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