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Carmi Township Board Held Their Annual And Monthly Meeting Tuesday

The Carmi Township Board met for their Annual Town Meeting Tuesday night. The board elected Greg Stewart to be the moderator for the meeting. Treasurer Pam Deig read the minutes from the 2022 Annual Township Meeting. Following approval of the minutes the board heard annual reports from Road Commissioner Chris McEwing. The board voted and approved a funds transfer in the amount of $200,000 from the Carmi Township surplus to the permanent road fund as well as $100,000 Carmi Township Fund to the road and bridge fund for blacktopping and other road projects. There were no comments or business from visitors. The Annual meeting was adjourned and the board moved on to the regular monthly meeting.

Ruth McCallister kicked off the monthly meeting asking for approval of the March meeting minutes. The board read and approved the minutes and Pam Deig followed with the Treasurer’s report. Chris McEwing gave the Road Commissioners report and asked the board to move forward with enrolling Jade Boren for CDL classes at SIC. He gave an update on a new vehicle that will be picked up in the next week. The board approved Boren to be enrolled in the CDL classes. Assessor Amy Edwards gave her monthly report to the board then the board moved on to new business. The Decennial committee adoption was done with Pam Deig appointing Chris McEwing and Ruth McCallister for the committee and Chris McEwing appointing Amy Edwards.

In other matters of business, the board approved a grant in the amount of $2,000 to the White County Seniors Citizen Center as well as a budget line being added to the cemetery fund.

There were no comments or business from visitors.

The Carmi Township board meets again on May 9th at 6:00 PM


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