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Phelps Launches Petition Drive to Oppose Efforts to Tax Retirement Income

In response to proposals from allies of Chicago-area politicians wanting to place a tax on retirement income for seniors, state Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, has launched a petition drive to garner community support of his efforts to oppose any new tax.

“Many seniors live on a fixed income and don’t have the opportunity to find work; taxing their retirement income will force many to cut back on other essentials that they need to survive,” Phelps said. “Retirees shouldn’t have the rug pulled out from under them after years of planning their retirements.”

The petition asks residents to sign and stand with Phelps in opposing a tax on retirement income. Phelps plans to show his colleagues in Springfield that there are a large number of residents who oppose this idea, and he hopes that this will encourage them to vote against any measure that includes the tax. Phelps is also sponsoring House Resolution 890 to make clear that the Illinois tax code should not be changed in order to tax retirement income. Under current law, retirement income is exempt from any form of income tax, but the idea has been proposed by some in Illinois as a possible solution to the budget impasse.

In addition to this proposal, Phelps has stood up for seniors by voting multiple times to freeze property taxes. Phelps also stood up to the governor’s proposed $140 million cut to the Illinois Community Care Program, which provides in-home care to the elderly as an alternative to nursing homes, by voting for a spending plan that would restore the funding and allow more seniors to remain in their homes.

“Whether it’s Alexander County or Hardin County, seniors all across Southern Illinois will once again be the targets of some Chicago political games,” Phelps said. “We need to stand together as a region and fight against efforts to tax seniors. If you agree with me, please give my office a call and add your name to my petition.”

Residents can sign Phelps’ petition to oppose a tax on retirement income by contacting his full time constituent service office at 618-253-4189 or email [email protected].


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