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Carmi City Council Looking To Appoint New Fire Chief During Meeting On February 7th

The first meeting of February for the Carmi City Council will be on Tuesday the 7th at 5:30 PM at City Council Chambers on 225 East Main Street.

On the agenda is a Pay Request from Brown & Roberts, Inc. for the engineering of the Burrell’s Woods Project for $25,687.50 to be paid from MFT funds; another Pay Request from Brown & Roberts for the Unsewered Communities Planning Grant for Edgewood in the amount of $15,000; a Resolution to execute amendment 1 to an agreement with Brown & Roberts for Water System Improvements for 2020; and a Resolution authorizing the Assistant Treasurer for the City of Carmi as a signatory on all accounts.

There will also be reports and/or updates from Mayor Jeff Pollard, reports from Standing Committees, and business or comments from visitors.

Council will go into executive session to discuss the possible appointment of a Chief of the Fire Department with no action to follow.



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