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Carmi Council Paves Way for Corn Day Festivities, Continues Working on Trash Pickup

Corn Day is less than 4 months away and plans are well on track for a return to fun in Carmi this October.  Carmi City Council tackled a few housekeeping measures to help ensure the annual festival continues unencumbered Tuesday night including the annual resolution to reroute traffic October 7th through 9th, the dates for this year’s celebration.  Additionally, Council approved Patrick Scates request to close North Main Cross from Main to Robinson for the annual Farm to Table event October 6th, an unofficial kickoff to Corn Day.  Also approved was a TIF Façade Improvement Request for Dartt & Company in the amount of $5,000.  Shannon Dolan was approved to fill out the term on the Carmi Library board of Eric Rahlfs who recently moved out of the city.  Finally, in what everyone hopes is the last time, the council once again approved the Mayor Jeff Pollard to seek bids for residential trash pickup within the municipality.  Mayor Pollard explains the latest issue in the ongoing saga.

Council had no closed session and adjourned just under 15 minutes after the call to order.  The next council meeting will be held on Thursday, July 7th at 5:30pm due to the Independence Day holiday.


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