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More than 1.5 Million in Upgrades/Repairs Needed at Power Plant; TIF Grant Approved at March 1st Carmi Council Meeting

More than 1.5 million dollars, that’s the current expected investment being asked over the coming years by Carmi city engineer David Coston for a series of sweeping improvement projects to the municipal power system.  Coston laid out the multi point plan and the reasons behind why he says it needs to be addressed at Tuesday night’s Carmi City Council Meeting.

There are benefits of being a member of the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency, most notably the city receiving a credit for having a functioning power generating plant which helps keep utility rates lower than what they might be otherwise.  Conversely, in order to continue receiving the credit…

Hence, the importance in keeping a capable, functioning power plant.  Coston’s presentation comes amidst ongoing meetings through lobbying organizations including IMEA and a group which IMEA is a part of the American Public Power Association (APPA) with legislators.  Coston will be meeting with Senators Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin virtually Wednesday morning and local Congressional Representative Mary Miller in the afternoon.

Among the items Coston says need attention include North and South Feeder repairs which he estimates will cost around $100,000; Bradshaw Substation attention including a repair of Transformer “B”, connection of Transformer “A”, as well as the purchase and installation of “A” & “B” circuit breakers at an investment of around $335,000; a 13.2 kiloVolt “City Loop” Extension at $300,000; Sixth Street Substation Breaker Replacement at $30,000; a Power Plant – Upper Bus Upgrade at $550,000; and work on the Distribution System Resilience Plan at around $200,000.

Coston didn’t ask for a vote at the council meeting; instead telling members it was something they needed to consider seriously and consult with him any questions or concerns.

Decisions were made at the council meeting on a TIF Façade Improvement Grant and movement of the city’s next council meeting due to timing for an upcoming bond approval.  SI Trading and Supply owner Brent Edwards was granted the $5,000 grant so that he can make improvements to the old Dan’s Tire and Jumpin Jimmy’s properties he recently purchased.  The council agreed to push back their second March meeting to the 22nd.  Mayor Jeff Pollard explains the reasoning.

Council adjourned about 6:10pm and will next be in session on March 22nd.


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