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Carmi Kiwanis Club – Wabash Christian Therapy

Thursday’s weekly Carmi Kiwanis Club Meeting was highlighted by Janelle Waters of Wabash Christian Therapy who talked about a particular ailment affecting her patients, partially attributed to a stationary lifestyle some people have adopted courtesy of the pandemic: that ailment is poor posture

Waters talked about the importance of good posture and the positive impact that it can have on your body

Sitting for extended periods of time can negatively impact your posture.  Waters says methods used to keep your posture in check include practicing deep breathing and by making sure to stand at least once every hour

Next week’s meeting will include a presentation from 618 Magazine.  WROY/WRUL will have that story covered next Thursday.

Next Saturday the Carmi Kiwanis Club is hosting a Pancake Day Drive Thru!  Pancakes are being served at the First Christian Church from 6:30am – 10am.  Tickets can be purchased from any Kiwanis Club member in advance for 5 bucks a pop or you can pay $7 at the gate to get your hands on some delicious flapjacks courtesy of the Carmi Kiwanis Club


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