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Enfield Village Board Approves Raises Among Other Business Tuesday Night

The Enfield Village Board met last night a week later than usual due to Mayor Tom Harbour attending his granddaughter’s graduation.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

Tom Harbour was sworn in a Village President, Deborah Stone was sworn in as Village Clerk, Ashlyn Carter as Treasurer and William M. “Murray” Black IV, Karen Weiss and James Fechtig were all sworn in as aldermen.

They accepted the lowest of the two bids they received on a new Service Truck,  including a plow and utility bed, from Rice Motors in Carmi for $46,611.  The truck will be delivered in six weeks.  The other bid came from Uebelhor Motors in Jasper, Ind.  And it was agreed to put the old red Dodge Truck up for bids.

A new Water Use Ordinance was approved for the Water Project, put together by Brown and Roberts, to replace the old one which was passed back in 1990.  Water rates can be altered under the agreement.

The board also approved allowing Brown and Roberts to apply with the DCEO, or Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, to apply for more water project funds.  It will decrease the amount Enfield will have to borrow.

The board members approved an agreement to allow the city of Creal Springs and the village of Tamms to withdraw from their IMGA, or Interstate Municipal Gas Agency, ordinance.  Towns involved in some with way with IMGA have to approve the withdrawl.  Enfield is not affected by this agreement.

The property at 317 Walnut Street, which is owned by the village, will be put up for bids, with a minimum bid of $2,500.

The auxiliary police ordinance, which allows the Chief of Police to hire qualified people for non-regular policing, was updated and approved.

City Attorney Jonathan Turpin will look into contacting the owner of the property at the corner of Evansville and Miller Streets, who lives in the St. Louis area about the demolition of the double-wide trailer there.

Finally, a 13 minute executive session was held and the board decided to raise salaries 75 cents an hour across-the-board for all employees, with the exception of Police Chief Mark Worlds, beginning with the next pay period.

The board adjourned at 8:16 PM.


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