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Enfield Village Board to Meet This Week in Rescheduled Get Together

The Enfield Village board will be gathering tomorrow for a board meeting after postponing said meeting from last week for unknown reasons.  The meeting will include discussing withdrawing from the IMGA Agreement, specifically dealing with gas delivery from Creal Springs and Tamms. They will also be discussing the Amendment of Brown and Roberts, the demolition of property at Evansville and Miller, as well as potentially obtaining additional funding from DCEO.  The meeting is scheduled to be held on May 25th, Tuesday, at 7pm.

The full agenda:

TO:                                                         CONCERNED CITIZENS

FROM:                                                  BOARD OF TRUSTEES, VILLAGE OF ENFIELD

SUBJECT:                                             AGENDA FOR BOARD MEETING – May 25, 2021 @ 7:00 PM


1              Call to order

2              Swear in board members, clerk, president, treasurer

3              Approve minutes of last meeting

4              Treasurer’s Report

5              Approve payment of bills and water adjustments

6              Clear any old business.

  1. Service truck bids


6              Accept input from any visitors present in chamber


7              Accept any reports from committee members

8              Police Report

9              Utilities Report

10           Park Report

11           New Business

  1. Water Use Ordinance
  2. Amendment of Brown & Roberts (Resolution)
  3. Gas Creal Springs and Tamms – withdrawal from IMGA Ordinance
  4. Property Ordinance – 317 Walnut
  5. DCEO additional funding
  6. Property at Evansville & Miller (East of Dana Smiths) demolition


12           Executive Session*

  1. Employee Raises


*Executive Session may be moved to any position on the agenda


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