The Enfield Village Board met in its regular monthly session last night.
Gina Cushman was sworn in as the new village trustee, replacing Mary Dorner, who passed away recently.
Residents might have noticed that their utility bills were higher than normal. Mayor Tom Harbor said that was because the company where they purchase their gas in eastern Louisiana raised their prices from February 13-21 due to the weather emergency experienced in Texas and Louisiana. Utility bills are now going back to normal.
Aaron Dauby presented the board with the Motor Fuel Tax monies for their approval. They passed a resolution authorizing $8,250 in MFT funds for new materials for road maintenance projects under the Illinois Highway Code.
The village will replace the water line from Enfield Cemetery to the south side of Route 14 next month.
Letters will be sent out soon to several residents asking them to clean up their properties.
The emergency utility phone number was not working properly. They are now using a new company for the service.
The utility department needs to have one of their trucks replaced as it has been having transmission problems. They will look for bids for a new truck.
The police report for February was a busy one. There was a sexual assault complaint that is being handled by the State police, some four-wheelers that need permits, backed up two fires, complaints of dogs running loose, noise complaints and several illegally parked vehicles. The board approved Terry Harrison as a trainee for part-time officer under the Auxiliary Police Ordinance.
A reminder that the annual Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 3rd at 1 PM sharp. Masks are required.
The town wide cleanup will be held on Saturday April 24th and the town wide rummage sale will be on Saturday May 1st.
The board again this year approved a donation of $100 to the NCOE High School for its Graduation Ceremony on May 14th followed by the all-night drug and alcohol-free party.
The board went into executive session for 16 minutes and gave Police Chief Mark Worlds five extra vacation days and five extra sick days for this year. Worlds is having two minor outpatient procedures done that will require him to be out for about ten days as he has used up almost all of his current vacation and sick days.