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Fairfield Memorial Hospital weekly updates are used to keep the public informed as progress continues to be made on our Expansion Project.

During the week of January 25th, the mechanical and electrical contractors are working on the in wall and above ceiling portions of their work on the third and second floors. The masonry contractor has begun work on the east side of the building. The plumbing contractor is installing the carriers, piping and shower bases on the second floor. The spray fireproofing should be complete early this week. The drywall contractor is installing metal studs on the first and second floor and some drywall on the third floor.

During the week of February 1st, weather permitting,the mechanical, electrical and plumbing trades will be continuing with in-wall and above-ceiling work during the week. The drywall contractor will be working on all three floors this week, as well as, beginning to finish out the exterior sheathing on the west and north sides of the building. The masonry work should continue around the corner and into the ambulance bay next week so the floor slab in the ambulance bay can be poured.

Fairfield Memorial Hospital appreciates all of the support and interest that has been received from our community for this project.


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